Sunday, July 19, 2009


In my secret place, I take refuge from all that this world holds so dear with their foolish hands.  I take time to rest my weary mind and these tired eyes, and just bathe my soul in the quiet waters of God's presence.  My secret place isn't so secret, and while I'd like to keep it all to myself, the truth is that all who are weary can go there, and go there anytime they'd like.

It summertime.  This season always seems to capture my heart and my imagination unlike any other quarter of the year.  It is a time of celebration, a time of being outside in God's creation, and a time of late night revelations.  When the summer comes I know that there are great things in store, and with an ample grin I find every inch of me jump with the excitement of the impending joys.  Here comes dreams, here comes hopes, and here comes all that we've all been waiting for.  Summer to me is a theme, an anthem.  A reminder that there is birth and there is death, but throughout the process there is beauty in front and behind every corner.

We humans need beauty.  Beauty is the reflection of God's power taking place.  God created this world to showcase his beauty, and all around us we see the intricacy and craftsmanship of the being who finds the greatest delight in his children's wonder and awe.  When we see beauty--there is wonder; there is awe.  In my secret place, I find the beauty of hallelujah.

Too many days have passed without action, too many minutes have been wasted idly, and too many seconds haven't seen their proper adventure.  For me, the summertime is always a fresh breath of life, a new chapter and a new time to remind myself of who and what I live for.  There is so much in this world worth saving, and so little time to do it.

My Lord:  Bless me with wisdom.  Make me a lover of justice.  Show me true freedom.  Give me a love like yours.  Make me a man after your heart who serves and blesses.  Bless me with words--a tool to build your kingdom.  Give me peace, and bless me deeply.  Show me who you are, that I might follow you closely.  In my secret place, and in the world, let my words be a bright light to guide the lost and the weary.