Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Nothing haunts me more than a blank page.  Ultimately any ivory canvas will soon enough become soiled by the painter, but unlike a painter I do not see the finished work even before casting my first stroke.  Call it naïvety, immaturity, or lack of skill... but that is just not me.  Right now, I have no plan of what to do or what to say--I'm more Pollack than Picasso,  but when I sit down to write I always find the hours drift by as I simply stare into nothing: this ungodly mess waiting to happen.  All these thoughts inside fight so hard to get out and breath for the first time the fresh air of this intoxicating world, yet only the lucky few ever make it past the gate.  I realized tonight, while hating the empty page, that writing for me is not something I do out of duty to this idea that more writing will make me the great artist I wish I was, I'm simply awake to the spirit of creativity inside me that became incarnate the moment God breathed flesh into Adam.  We are created in his image--in the Creator's image, the inclination to make and do is simply nature.  Not so deep inside every man and woman exists the God-intended instinct to create beauty and community, just as he did--just as he does.  I imagine God takes great delight in watching his children creating even the tiniest of things.  When considering the inconsiderable greatness of his creation, our puny little paintings, songs, books, statues, sex, and talking-pictures are so significantly insignificant.  Like the four year old son of the master architect who builds his first popsicle stick house and claims engineering success, Daddy must take great pleasure in watching his little one explore the curiosity he inherited from his loving Father.

I write a lot about beauty and community; mostly because they are the same, but also because I believe God created us to experience both in profound and life-changing ways.  Psychologists are refining Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to add in a step committed to the aesthetic experience, and I wonder how many times along the way Christians could have picked up the ball and taught the world this truth, first.  Knowing and seeing beauty in this world is an integral part in having the joy of Christ in your life.  That joy of course comes from the strong community between the Holy Spirit and our hearts--formed in the birth of that moment we stepped over the line that forever separated us from Death's sting, and ushered us into everlasting life.  And it doesn't stop there!  The community we experience with each other is literally a demonstration of our community with God, imago dei in its purest form.  The power of friendships, of love, is an expression of the quintessence of who we are in Christ.  Whereas community with the Holy Spirit and each other brings us joy, our experience of joy gives us an appreciation of the importance of beauty; and when there is not enough beauty around, God gave us a spirit to create some to share.

So share beauty with each other.  Enjoy community.  Laugh, dance, sing, and paint.  EXPLORE, DREAM, DISCOVER.  Let that Holy Spirit work in your life, and you will see great and powerful things, and trust me, you'll never be the same.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I am not impressed by the powers of this world,
For in my heart I know the penetrating truth,
Accident. Chance. Random: I am not.
As birth and death govern all that is seen
Except to him who intended all things in love
I am unbound to the consequence of an empty heart
And the good tree bears good fruit.

Monday, August 17, 2009


We walk in step but not in light

Our dreams are entirely ours
We preach in words but not action
Our lips never surrender
We sing songs but hardly worship
Our lives are for show
We damn in his name but love in others
Our love is fickle and honorable rarely
We esteem the strong, mighty and bold
Our blessings save none for the meek.
We are right but seldom true
Our heads are strong but our hearts weak
We are righteous, you probably are
Our devotion simmers in this world
We go through motions but move not
We walk narrow paths but live narrow lives
We hate sin and therefore sinners
We are God's people but you'd never guess
Our lives betray our testimony.

I am in a moment right now where I can't help but wonder why people have such a bad view of us Christians.  Can people be as crazy as I see, or could it just be that we are failing as a body of believers to be the movers and shakers of God's plan.  Are our actions, beliefs, churches, and lives model the proper way to take the Good News out into the world and make disciples of all nations?  We want to few the church pews but we are too afraid to outreach in our communities... our bubble is a safe turtle shell.  Shouldn't the children of God's love show Love?  If we were doing our job, shouldn't the world look different?  I refuse to buy the excuse that we are "in the end days" or that Satan's work in this world is too strong... have you forgotten who our God is?  My friends; Love wins.  I have seen it win, and I see a lot of people who are great and loving examples of what it really means to be Christ-like and Christ-minded.  These people are numbered--a percentage barely registered.

How do we change the hearts and minds of a world that sees us not as Salt but as acid.  I've always been taught that you catch bees with honey, but when I go downtown I read signs that tell me to repent or burn.  When I see a sign that says Jesus loves me, I wonder why someone has to hold a sign for me to know that.  We speak in thousands of words that never mean a thing--I can't help but wonder in the simplicity of the Good News.  Our rhetoric needs to change as much as our lives.  If we surrender our lives, we better mean it... because the world sees and judges us for claiming to be saved.  When our lives betray our Savior, all words surely fall on deaf ears.

Is there anything greater than wisdom?  Is there anything nobler than justice?  Is there any words as sweet to the lips as freedom?  Is there anything that conquers more than love?  My dear, dear friends: the Good News is simple.  Love wins... because God wins.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


As I think about what it means to have the heart of a wild man, I am immediately impressed with the vision that has guided my life for the past two years.  That vision, that ultimate theme that my life lays its foundation to rest upon, is of course the sweetest words to my lips: freedom.  I can find no word so satisfactory to whisper nor as wonderful to the heart as freedom.  The beauty of the freedom I have found in Christ takes a transforming role in my understanding about what it means to be a man.  Experiencing the power and gravitas of that freedom which was paid for by Christ's blood has the single greatest consequence on my maturing consciousness -- that I am not a citizen bound to the spiritual powers of this world, but rather I am free... I am a wild man, with a wild-man's-sized heart to fall in love with the adventures in store.

In the process of growing and maturing, I find myself at a definitive crossroad where I see two possible outcomes, the destinations on which these forks in the road arrive.  On one side I see the man that the world expects me to become... proud, self-seeking, rich, and arrogant.  The men of this world reap their harvest of money, fame, and grandeur.  They are rewarded with the attention of women, esteem by their peers, and history's grace.  Yet on the other side I see the man that God has laid out for me to be.  His rewards are not so immediate nor shine so bright to the eyes in this world, but the gifts of wisdom, character, community, freedom, and love... are rewards far greater to the soul than the meaningless trophies of this world that will be wiped away in the coming storm.  From the all the powers of this world that seek decay, rust and destroy, I find freedom.  I find freedom from the man the world expect me to be, and I find the strength to have the courage to be the man that God destined for me to become.  I have a wild man's heart, and that heart cannot be swayed by the dark and meaningless, nor the second best.

At the same time, I look ahead and find that there is a great distance between that man God wants me to be and who I am today.  The deeper into my heart I look, the more inconsistencies I am finding.  If a godly man is one blessed with the virtues of wisdom, mercy, grace, humility, courage, unbridled love, and a passionate heart for justice, I can only see the many ways I fall short.  Yet what I do have is freedom.  I have freedom from the guilt that would have me ignore that God is well pleased with who I am, loves me as I am, and is excited for my journey.  Wisdom is a gift, but it is one planted in small seeds that take root in our experiences, and flourish through moments enchanted by divine whispers -- in this way I do see the path to becoming a godly man as an epic journey... a wonderful adventure in freedom sans the weight of shame.

"You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world.  So why do you keep  on following the rules of this world, such as "Don't handle! Don't taste! Don't touch!"?  Such rules are mere human teachings about things that deteriorate as we use them.  These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, pious self denial, and severe bodily discipline.  But they provide no help in conquering a person's evil desires (emphasis added).  Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand.  Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.  For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God."  Colossians 2:20 - 3:3

I have the heart of a wild man, and I am not impressed by the powers of this world.  The world would like nothing more than for me to live in shackles, but I am wild and I am free.  Let the adventure begin.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I am sitting here staring at a poster on my wall.  This particular poster is from one of my favorite films, 300.  It amuses me to find the title for this entry on a film poster, but who am I to judge?  Like I can really choose when inspiration strikes?  The slogan smeared, literally,  across the poster reads "Prepare For Glory," and I would be foolish to not make the connection.

A wise girl named Sally mentioned to me that we are not citizens of this world, we are merely visitors waiting for the arrival of the glory in which we are all purposefully and wonderfully made.

What do our lives amount to, if not for this purpose?  We are here to prepare for the coming and imminent glory--to prepare ourselves and to prepare others for the glory that is advancing quickly.


The very first step of wisdom is to seek more wisdom.  For us Christians, we cannot ever be satisfied with what we little we know.  God is full of wisdom, and gives it freely.  All we need is to ask.  Living a life prepared for glory is more than just reminding ourselves of what is to come, but of seriously taking actions in our lives to prepare our hearts, and to beg God to let us take part in bringing his kingdom to this place.  God has no need of us, but by his love this glory is immanent.  So keep your eye's fixed towards the heaven and remind yourself that every breath is another breath permitted by God, and worthy of celebration and reverence.

The wise one prepares with passionate humility to the sovereignty of God and our freedom from the poison of man... the foolish wisdom of beings who elevate themselves on ignorance.  Sharpen your minds.  Seek Christ, and in him you will find wisdom and knowledge.  Seek justice for the poor, the meek, the widowed, the orphaned, the sick, and the imprisoned.  Explore the world.  Dream, Seek, Discover.  Advocate.  Stand up.  Love others boldly and without fear.  Find courage in future joys.  Dwell not in the past of things, but in the things that are surely coming soon.  Be mighty and triumphant, yet gentle and loving.

Let every man search his own heart, and if inside he finds that insatiable desire to follow the creator, let him boldly approach the throne.  Come! and find the true glory that is near, just barely over the horizon.  The entire world aches in growing pains, and the time is almost here.  There is everlasting, and it will be glorious.

*Read Col.2 and 3.  I read these chapters before writing and found myself very inspired.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


In my secret place, I take refuge from all that this world holds so dear with their foolish hands.  I take time to rest my weary mind and these tired eyes, and just bathe my soul in the quiet waters of God's presence.  My secret place isn't so secret, and while I'd like to keep it all to myself, the truth is that all who are weary can go there, and go there anytime they'd like.

It summertime.  This season always seems to capture my heart and my imagination unlike any other quarter of the year.  It is a time of celebration, a time of being outside in God's creation, and a time of late night revelations.  When the summer comes I know that there are great things in store, and with an ample grin I find every inch of me jump with the excitement of the impending joys.  Here comes dreams, here comes hopes, and here comes all that we've all been waiting for.  Summer to me is a theme, an anthem.  A reminder that there is birth and there is death, but throughout the process there is beauty in front and behind every corner.

We humans need beauty.  Beauty is the reflection of God's power taking place.  God created this world to showcase his beauty, and all around us we see the intricacy and craftsmanship of the being who finds the greatest delight in his children's wonder and awe.  When we see beauty--there is wonder; there is awe.  In my secret place, I find the beauty of hallelujah.

Too many days have passed without action, too many minutes have been wasted idly, and too many seconds haven't seen their proper adventure.  For me, the summertime is always a fresh breath of life, a new chapter and a new time to remind myself of who and what I live for.  There is so much in this world worth saving, and so little time to do it.

My Lord:  Bless me with wisdom.  Make me a lover of justice.  Show me true freedom.  Give me a love like yours.  Make me a man after your heart who serves and blesses.  Bless me with words--a tool to build your kingdom.  Give me peace, and bless me deeply.  Show me who you are, that I might follow you closely.  In my secret place, and in the world, let my words be a bright light to guide the lost and the weary.

Friday, March 20, 2009


I am elated. I am on the highest cloud. I feel so good right now,
and all of this joy is the joy I have for being a child of God! I
can't even begin to describe to you how great God is--in the good
times, and the bad times too.

Let me tell you a story about the goodness of God. For the past four
months I have been looking for a job with no success. I was really
starting to get bogged down with stress about things. I was getting
twelve hours a week at Disneyland, barely able to afford rent and
interest payments on my student loans. My car had been broken and
inoperable since January 1st, and if it wasn't for the care and grace
of my beautiful girlfriend, I wouldn't have been able to get to work
in Anaheim. Circumstances were getting very desperate for me--I don't
know how someone without a relationship with Christ could have dealt
with this (of course I recognized how blessed I am living in America
and my standard of living compared to the poverty of the rest of the
world. I would never take it for granted, and I pray for those less

A week ago, I heard through my very small network that there was a
company looking for someone to answer their phones, run the office,
and log tape footage. I sent my resume over to a man named Joel
thinking the position was with his company. He responded saying the
position was actually with a different company, Element Media Inc. and
that he had already forwarded someone else's application, but he would
be happy to send mine in too. The one catch was that they were
looking to have filled the position on friday, the day before. I was
bummed and tempted to not send my resume, but sent it anyway.

On Wednesday, my Dad had emailed me about some things, and had asked
me about the job search. I was writing him and telling him about how
bad things were and how they... for lack of a better term... sucked.
I asked for prayer. After hitting the send button, I looked down at
my phone and I had a voicemail from an unknown number. I listened to
the message and it was from Joe, the CEO of Element Media Inc. He
wanted to talk about my resume! I was in the public library so I
couldn't call him back, so I raced to KLOT (a disney cast member
parking lot) and made the call from their since I knew it would be a
quiet place. The phone conversation was amazing, and Joe was really
impressed by me. He invited me down to meet at 11:00 am on Friday

So, two days after the first call (with a day at the beach in
between), I went down to Element Media to meet Joe and his business
partner, Kevin. The first thing I am struck by is the location.
Their office is on the corner of Highland and Fountain... literally in
the heart of Hollywood. What a place for me to be! A location like
this is the perfect hill for God's light to shine from. So I meet
with Joe and Kevin and the interview is just phenomenal. Joe used to
work at Disneyworld in Florida and had friends in the college program,
and here I am just out of the college program! I leave the interview
with a great feeling of optimism and hope. When I get home from the
interview, I quickly write an email to Joe and Kevin to tell them
thank you for having me interview, and within five minutes of sending
my email they both respond, separately, telling me how impressed they
were by me. Joe adds "you'll be hearing from me soon."

I wasn't sure what soon meant. I was offered the job less than a half
hour later. Praise God!

The thing that just really amazes me is the timing of everything. In
less than a week (really, in less than 3 days) I have gone from
working twelve hours a week at Disneyland to having a great job for a
production company. God is awesome.

This job is going to be great. There is so much I am going to learn,
and this launch pad will be perfect for me. I am so excited for it,
and so excited that I can tell people about how God has had such a
deliberate hand in this. I am so thankful for all those involved, and
I can't even express to you right now how elated I feel. "Elated" is
the only word I can think of right now, by the way.

So my new job role will be as an Office Manager/Assistant Editor for
Element Media Inc. If I didn't mention before, Element Media makes
EPKs (electronic press kits), behind-the-scenes, DVD bonus features,
and more. They work with almost all the major studios and have
special deals with Focus Features and the Coen Bros. This job will be
a fantastic opportunity for me to learn, work, and grow.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


It has been too long -- far too long -- since my last post. In many
ways, I have been living out great adventures that have been really
good for my soul, and in other ways, I have been far too lazy and
neglecting the things that matter most to me. I have been so lazy
lately that I have felt like I have no time to write. I remember back
to my time at APU when I had barely four hours of sleep but still made
time to consider my thoughts about life and write them down. Here I
sit now, making time, but for a different reason. Freeing myself from
writing out of a sense of duty and purpose, I can now write out of
sheer pleasure in pursuit of the excellence that makes me feel alive.

So how do I capture the last few months? They have escaped my pen, or
rather my keyboard. The storyteller in me wants to write it all down,
record it, narrate it and fit it into a chapter in my life -- but the
thinker in me would rather leave these months blank, a mystery to
anyone caring to notice. The truth is that these have been a few of
the darkest months in my life, but I am blessed. I have never had so
much to worry about, but never have I worried less. Perhaps it is
ignorance, perhaps it is hope. Well whatever bliss this is, I am

My work is easy, too easy. I am not challenged at all. The biggest
challenge I face is telling people they have to wait another 5 minutes
to use their fast pass, or deciding whether or not to hit the ride-
stop button because someone is floating their banana in the elevator
shaft. I was offered an interview to be a trainer... I am capable of
so much more and I hope they realize that. I have my eyes on so many
bigger things. I want to do great things, but I have no idea where to
start. I have no idea what I want to do. All the things that
interest me seem to require vast sums of money or years and years of
experience (which I have neither). I hate being confined, and I feel
in some ways that my life is a poorly constructed prison begging to be

It has been too long since I have seen my family. It has been too
long since I have felt close kinship with a stranger. It has been too
long since I have been to church. It has been too long since I have
felt comfortable and assured. It has been far too long since I have
done anything worth remembering. It has been far too long since I
have felt a sense of purpose of my life, and it has been far too long
since I have thought about serving anyone but myself. Maybe though,
this time has simply been preparation time... time for me to prepare
my life for great purpose.

I am stuck on one question. If I could only answer that question, my
whole life would be answered. I would have no fear because I could
stop wondering about it and finally do it. The question is "where do
I start?" The idea that keeps me fascinated, however, is that by
answering that question, I will have taken all the mystery out of
life. "What I was born to do?" is perhaps a question better
considered in the end. If I could pick an answer now though, I would
say I was born to go on great adventures. It has been far too long
since I had an adventure.

Here I sit now, writing as I always love, trying to find a reason not
to beat myself up over the selfishness and the laziness I have
experienced these last few months. All my thoughts have revolved on
trying to get a better job, to boost myself up to somewhere new, to
find a career, and the funny thing is that I haven't spent more than
an hour tending to my heart, or cultivating my soul. The good news
is, the times: they are 'a changing.

Why am I committing myself to change? Simply put, it has been too long.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I'd give anything to be with you. You have my heart, and as much as I
wish you did not, I just don't think i'll ever get over you.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover.

-Mark Twain

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Sometimes I hear a song, and its message sounds so much like my life, that I begin to wonder if it was written about me--as if moments of my life sat suspended in fancy picture frames on the song writer's desk.  Now obviously I don't really believe that, but I am still struck by the frequency at which songs that especially comment on the current and flow of my life occur.  Lately, I have been feeling very discouraged about so many things, and yet I still have hope.  

I am on my way,
I can go the distance,
I don't care how far,
somehow I'll be strong
I know every mile
will be worth my while
I would go most anywhere
to feel like I belong.

"Go the Distance" from Walt Disney Pictures' Hercules.
Lyrics by David Zippel.

I am on my way, and I can go the distance.  With God by my side, I will be strong.  For me, the difference is that I know where and to who I belong.  To God, my creator.  In many ways, it assures me that all these feelings of not belonging to this world are not supposed to surprise or discourage me, but remind me of the awesome power by which, and for who, I was made.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I know that as a good 'ol Christian boy I ought to be rejoicing in my
trials and hardships, but at this moment comfort and joy are strangers
to me. It perplexes me that I feel differently than I want to, and
differently then I know I should. All my hardships boil down to money
right now, and what is money? "Sparrows..." my friends say to me with
a stroke of shortsighted genius--a reference to the birds of the
fields that God provides for. I know that I am so loved by God, and I
know he is by my side, but right now I am not comforted by that. What
a shame, too.

I want nothing more than to trust God. It has taken me time to
realize that I really do not trust God. I say I do, I want to, I
believe I should, and I want nothing more... but both God and I know
that by my actions I refuse to let go of my faith in what I can do.
With every breath I take, I hate this constant struggle to
relinquish. I know the right answers, I say the right prayers, and
while my heart is wrong I all the while picture God at my side smiling
because he knows what he has in store for me.

How do we "consider it pure joy" when every part of us just wants to
be free of all hardship. Then I realize the futility of such
thought. When is Life ever kind, easy, and hardship free? I suppose
it is these times of hardships that refine us and make us who we are,
but I wish I could be a little more joyful about it. I wish I was
stronger, I wish I was wiser, and I just wish I could fix everything
that is wrong with my life and this world... and then the perpetual
lightbulb of an idea suddenly ignites a brilliant light in the chaos
of my inner turmoil:

I have an "I" problem.