Saturday, August 30, 2008


So I have been thinking a lot about what I want in life recently, and
it all kinda boiled down to a lifestyle.

I want to own my own ranch.

Near a beach, a forrest, and some farmland.

I have always been a fan of horses since third grade when my Mom
bought us a horse (for $1). It was a twenty year old Appaloosa that
had just one eye, which also happened to be blind. Her name was
Breeze (a sore allusion to her bare eye socket, I suppose). Then when
I was in 5th grade my mother sold Breeze away to some foundation for
blind kids. Losers. (That's a joke, I don't really think blind
people are losers... although I did accidently say "See ya later" to a
blind person at work a few weeks ago--which wasn't nearly as bad an
accident as Greg yelling "we can walk!" as a paraplegic rolled right
behind him). So I tried to see if it would be possible for me to buy
a horse on my own, and I quickly discovered that a paper route
wouldn't support all a horse needs. Defeat, and then I grew up.

I have always loved wilderness. Something about wandering streams
full of fish and tall forests has always called me home. I feel
natural and in my element around dust, dirt, and leaf. The polished
rocks of river beds and the smell of pine needles have always kept me
dreaming of owning and living in a slice of God's beautiful creation.

I want to live on a ranch, sit on my porch drinking lemonade, watch
the sun dip over the mountainside as country tunes fill the air,
whilst my children run around the yard with fiddles. Ok, I lied about
the fiddle part. On this ranch I want to have a studio, where I can
write, take pictures, edit film, paint, broadcast christian talk radio/
tv, and build a telescope.

I like the city, but there are so many people that I am overwhelmed at
times. I am also not a big fan of traffic or public restrooms or
stinky garbage trucks.

Maybe this is all a little ridiculous, but that's my dream home.