Saturday, July 28, 2007


As I sit here on my couch enveloped in music that excites the spirit of optimism that dwells in the innermost core of my soul I find myself engaging in the activity that my heart most often relies upon to get me through the turbulance of life's most daunting tribulations: dreaming--for this act of imagination is paramount to my survival, and for me is tantamount to oxygen. My dreams take me on great adventures through the wildest of what this world has to offer, and as my hope sparks these visions alive with that optomism of which I so often rely upon I realize that we were meant for amazing things... things greater and grander than we realize this life can provide.

There is so much beauty in this world.

In everything.

There is so much beauty in this world just waiting to be discovered. Behind every crack and crinkle of this earth there lies something so beautiful with the power and priviledge to change our lives. There is beauty in every breath we take, in every life that is lived, in everything purposeful and everything purposeless, in the meaningful and the mundane. This life is but a stretch of our infant arms as we prepare ourselves for an eternity bathed in the glorious graces of God's grandest and greatest goal for our lives: to live in glory with him.

How blessed are we? To be given such a gift as our very next breath we take is an amazing and merciful gesture from a saviour who's love is unbound to definition and description. Every second is a pleassure, every moment we forget our mortality is a moment lost to purposeless end. Yet in the midst of such dreary words the blinds over our eyes are removed and the truth is revealed: we are meant for amazing things, and we are living amazingly.

I am not advocating the glorification of humanity or our existance, but instead I boast that God has created us for amazing things... and how foolish of us to think that our lives are pointless, purposeless, and worthless. How incredibly foolish of us to forget that God created us with love and attention.

But again... what beauty. I cannot get over the fact that we live such amazing and beautiful lives, and it puts into perspective another important truth. To whom much is given, much is expected. There is a world of hurting people out there, people who want to open their eyes (note: not people who want to have them pulled open). God wants us to take care of our fellow man.

Hope all this hasn't been too random, I just wanted to share my thoughts and love!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Out of all the things in this world that I hate, the one kind of people that I hate the most are thieves. I don't know what it is but something about people that steal make me want to kick some ass. I know that isn't a very christian thing to say, but I don't care.

If you have ever had anything stolen you know how I feel. This week my cell phone, wallet, and backpack were stolen by two muthafuckin mexican cheap ass basterds, one of which only had one hand. I would love to blame it on the fact that I live in Azusa, where 50% of the population is mexican because nothing like this has ever happened to me before in newport or laguna, but I realize that blaming my woes on a particular race is not only wrong but unhelpful. At the same time though, I know for certain they were mexican, my brother saw them.

Its is going to cost me so much money to replace everything that has been stolen from me. I keep cringing as I think about it. I wish people would realize that when they steal things they are making life so hard for other people who have to deal with the fallout of what has happened. If I ever find that one-armed f'er who stole my crap, forgiveness will be the last thing on my mind--but that is so wrong. I know God calls us to forgive, but it is so tough. I have to keep myself in check constantly, and right now as I type this I realize what a fool I've been for not having forgiveness. I set out to type my thoughts about the crime of stealing, but now I find myself lead to write about the crime of lacking forgiveness.

If I sit here and wallow in my pain and hardship, they win. It sucks, but it's true. I have to forgive these people even though they deserve nothing from me. What a perfect picture of Christ's forgiveness. We all commit crimes and sins that hurt our creator, and yet he still forgives us.

Now, I take responsibility for my own self and choose to dwell in the spirit of forgiveness rather than be torchered by the pain of bondage to anger.

If I can make one final comment on thievery: I think the most important problem our country faces from being the greatest in the world is the education of its citizens. We need to educate people... so many things come with education, and I think we need to start caring more about people, and that starts with opening minds.